Advancements in Single-Pass Bore Finishing - Introduction

The singlepass, bore finishing Processo was originally developed to improve the bore quality of cast iron components, such as hydraulic valve bodies. For many years
it was thought that while ideally suited for similar throughbore Applicazionis, its use would be limited. This initial belief has proven to be unfounded as the
singlepass Processo now has been developed to a point where almost any Applicazioni, in almost any type of material is possible.
For example, as well as the many cast iron Applicazioni's that are successfully being finished with this Processo, today there is probably an equal amount
being done in other materials. These materials include varieties of hard and soft steel, aluminum, bronze, brass, ceramics, chrome, as well as multimaterial
assemblies. The singlepass Processo is also now capable of finishing most blind bores and well as through.
This paper will explain the basic principles of the singlepass Processo, and provide details on some of the latest advancements that have been made.
- Out performs ordinary Abrasivi in cutting action,finish speed and wear resistence.
- Superior performance with increased efficiencies perfect for any size operation.
- Low production cost,high precision and long workpiece life.
- Our Levigatura Abrasivis can honed the bore diameter smallest to 1.5mm(0.6inches).